In collaboration with the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities

Cycle: “Theory in Megaron: philosophy, critique, history”
Supervisor of the cycle: Costas Douzinas, member of the Hellenic Parliament; Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities

Speaker: Étienne Balibar, Birkbeck Institute Professorial Fellow 2007-2014

Étienne Balibar is Professor Emeritus of moral and political philosophy at Université de Paris X – Nanterre and Distinguished Professor of Humanities at the University of California, Irvine. He has published widely in the area of Marxist philosophy and moral and political philosophy in general. His many works include, among others, Lire le Capital (with L. Althusser, P. Macherey, J. Rancière, R. Establet, and F. Maspero) (1965); Spinoza et la politique (1985); Nous, citoyens d’Europe? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple (2001); Europe, Constitution, Frontière (2005).

In English with simultaneous translation into Greek