The series At Work, an initiative that aims to support contemporary art exhibition projects by young and emergent curators, opens with the exhibition Gone Today, Here Tomorrow, conceived and curated by art historian Eva Vaslamatzi. The exhibition features video projections and installations by five artists, who turn their gaze to the core of the exhibition space in order to redefine the viewer-artwork relationship.
The exhibition space, where the artworks often find their final destination, is a mystical place par excellence, different from any other. Whether it retains elements that attest to its physicality or it turns into a white shell, the exhibition space changes all the time without having a fixed identity. Through speculative, experimental and research-based practices, the artists explore this special territory, the potential relations that could develop in it and its invisible motivating mechanisms which are not readily perceived. The exhibition aims to synchronise these practices by demonstrating the uniqueness of each of them, mostly through loose synergies rather than around a shared subject.


Marcos Lutyens
Basim Magdy
Kosmas Nikolaou
Malvina Panagiotidi
Maria Theodoraki