In-residence ensemble at Megaron since 2020, the Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra (GYSO), in just four years during which has been active, has greatly impressed audiences with the professionalism, passion and talent of its young members. Led by the orchestra’s principal conductor and artistic director Dionysis Grammenos, they perform the quick-paced, bright overture of Glinka’s opera Ruslan and Lyudmila, which is based on the poem of the same name by Pushkin, followed by Tchaikovsky’s ever-popular First piano concerto and Rimksy-Korsakov’s suite Scheherazade, a programmatic musical work in which the solo violin “depicts” the story’s heroine – the brilliant sultana telling her endless stories.


Educational programme for teenagers

11/12 The young musicians of GYSO speak to the musicians of tomorrow. Admission free with admission tickets (online reservation).