There are times when the news resonate around the world. Vangelis, the internationally acclaimed Greek composer, was an ingenious composer, great and yet modest, preferring to speak only through his art.

At Megaron we had the chance to know him, since he chose the Mgaron Recording Centre to record “Mythodea – Music for the NASA Mission: 2001 Space Odyssey”. The CD was released on 23 October 2001 to coincide with the approach of NASA’s Mars Odyssey to the Mars orbit.

In 2019, Megaron also presented «Thread» by choreographer Russell Maliphant to Vangelis’ music. Two apparently opposite worlds, traditional greek dances and contemporary dance. Vangelis’ music at times separated and at times unified those two worlds. (Costumes were designed by another international Greek, Mary Katrantzos).

Megaron the Athens Concert Hall with much sadness says goodbye to a great creative mind and a great human.