he graduates of the Athens Conservatory’s Drama School present an unconventional approach to Anton Chekhov’s masterpiece, “The Three Sisters”. Two years of study, countless improvisations, long hours of stage rehearsals, writing texts, composing and learning songs are condensed into a multi-layered stage reading of the work, where personal discourse alternates with public discourse and the original scenes of the play are reconstructed through the alternation of classical dramatization and choral narration. Boundaries are lost, the imaginary interferes with the real, when passions, desires, endless daydreams, the thirst for a meaningful and rich life and inevitable despair cease to be exclusive to the play’s characters and are diffused throughout the group of actors.

Just as Chekhov examines the details of human behaviour under the microscope, creating poetry from the trivial, so the cast of the play traces in the play text the great and important, those things that glorify human nature, and is inspired by them, creating a wealth of poetic moments, a balm to modern grim reality.

Co-production: Megaron the Athens Concert Hall & Athens Conservatory


15-minute intermission