Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall
Athens Philharmonia Orchestra

A new ensemble with an already strong presence in recording studios and concert venues, the Athens Philharmonia Orchestra returns to the Megaron under Byron Fidetzis, a committed Greek music scholar. The programme features three works representative of the symphonic genius of Liszt. Alongside these, an extraordinary example of a symphonic concerto of the Greek school – a work by a visionary composer who enriched Greek music with inspiration from Liszt and Wagner.

– Franz Liszt: The Night Procession (1st of the Two Episodes from Lenau’s Faust, S. 110)
– Manolis Kalomoiris: Symphonic concert for piano and orchestra
– Franz Liszt: Symphonic poem for orchestra ‘Ce qu’on entend sur la montagne’, S. 95
  Symphonic poem for orchestra ‘Hungary’, S. 103

Vassilis Varvaresos piano

Athens Philharmonia Orchestra
Conductor: Byron Fidetzis