Schubert meets Liszt, one of his first and most fervent admirers. The piano meets the human voice, poetry meets music. An evening filled with his famous lieder as well as lesser-known songs by Franz Liszt. Both composers have relied heavily on the great German poets: Goethe (An Mignon, set to music by Schubert), Heine (Du bist wie eine Blume, set to music by Liszt), Rückert, and Hüttenbrenner. And generous-minded Liszt, who always promoted good music composed by his predecessors through his own special art, piano transcription, gives Schubert’s fine songs the chance to acquire a new identity, with the piano accompanying and singing at the same time. 

– Franz Schubert–Franz Liszt: Transcriptions for solo piano:
Der Wanderer, Aufenthalt, Der Leiermann, Der Müller und der Bach, Gretchen am Spinnrade, etc.
– Franz Schubert: Lieder: Lieder der Mignon, Nachtstück, Der Jüngling auf dem Hügel, Liebhaber in allem Gestalten, etc.
– Franz Liszt: Lieder: Ich liebe dich, Die Lorelei, Du bist wie eine Blume, Freudvoll und leidvoll, etc.

Christina Giannakopoulou soprano
Theodore Tzovanakis piano