A 250th Birthday tribute to the great composer, the dedicated master of composition who handed down to posterity works of incomparable beauty. Ambitious young Beethoven, newly arrived from Bonne to Vienna, the capital of classical music, was befriended and sponsored by music-loving Prince Karl von Lichnowsky, to whom he dedicated the first opus of his official work list: the three pieces for piano, violin, and cello. The last trio of the composer’s first set is a work of superb diversity, with variations, a dance, and a frenzied finale. The second item in tonight’s programme, a work of unprecedented length and expressive depth, and a masterpiece for these three instruments, was dedicated by Beethoven to his patron, student, and friend Archduke Rudolf of Austria.

– Ludwig van Beethoven: Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello in C minor, Op. 1, No. 3  
                                       Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello in B-flat major, Op. 97, ‘Archduke Trio’

Danae Papamattheou–Matschke violin
Benedict Kloeckner cello
Uwe Matschke piano