The charismatic Aída Gómez, the muse of the famous Spanish director Carlos Saura, will take the lead role in a breathtaking production of Carmen, backed by the 25 members of the “Compañía de Danza Española”.
Movement, facial expressions, music, choreography, costumes and evocative lighting all transport us to the world of the passionate and sensual Carmen.
“Because”, as Aida Gómez comments, “without love there is no life”.

Artistic concept: Aída Gómez
Choreography: Aída Gómez
Director: Emilio Sagi
Music: José Antonio Rodríguez, Georges Bizet
Orchestration Bizet’s composition: Miguel Roa
Conductor: José Antonio Rodríguez
Light designer: Nicolás Fischtel
Costumes: Miguel Crespi
Sets: Ricardo Sánchez Cuerda

Event organized by GOLDEN STAGE EVENT