Musicians of Camerata – The Friends of Music Orchestra (Armonia Atenea)

Thursday | 8:30 pm

Free entrance

A production of
Megaron the Athens Concert Hall
in the context of the Music Academy
of Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses

A new educational and cultural meeting, the Music Academy of Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses (MAAKSS), is held for the first time this year on the historic island of the Argosaronic Gulf, from 6 to 15 July 2021. Megaron the Athens Concert Hall actively supports this major initiative to promote Spetses as a musical-pedagogical and artistic centre of international calibre, by offering the public an exceptional concert of Musicians of Camerata – The Friends of Music Orchestra (Armonia Atenea), on Thursday 15 July at 8:30 p.m. For this evening, which marks the end of the masterclasses of the MAAKSS, the acclaimed Athenian ensemble has prepared a programme of works by Antonio Vivaldi, in which “The Four Seasons”, one of the most popular works of classical music for the past four centuries, is the highlight.

Furthermore, Megaron offers the recipient of the first prize of this years MAAKSS masterclasses, the opportunity to participate as a soloist in a concert of the Musicians of Camerata, to be given in Athens during the next artistic season.

Twelve members of the distinguished ensemble will present at the open-air theatre of Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses “A musical evening with works by Antonio Vivaldi”, with MAAKSS masterclass participant violinists Dimitri Serebrennikov (“Spring”), Zhixin Zhang (“Summer”), Wojciech Chmielewski (“Autumn”) and Grigori Tadtaev (“Winter”) in the soloist parts of “The Four Seasons”. The next work on the programme will be the Concerto for two cellos in G minor (RV 531), also by Antonio Vivaldi, with Denis Severin and Vyara Tultukova as soloists. The programme will conclude with the arias “Vedrò con mio diletto” and “Sposa son disprezzata” from Vivaldi’s operas Il Giustino (RV 717) and Bajazet (Tamerlano) (RV 703), respectively, sung by the young MAAKSS masterclass participant mezzo Élodie Merlaud.

With this concert, Megaron and the Musicians of Camerata – The Friends of Music Orchestra (Armonia Atenea) embrace the pedagogical and artistic activities of the newly established Music Academy of Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses, during which children and adults will also have the opportunity to watch, as spectators, the masterclasses taught by acclaimed music teachers from Greece and abroad.

Information and pre-bookings:
Τ. 2298072306, 6978- 769760