Akram Khan’s new production Jungle Book reimagined (The Book of Jungle, reinvented by the great choreographer and his team), is based on Rudyard Kipling’s much-loved family classic. Akram Khan retells the familiar story of Mowgli with a sense of urgency, through the eyes of today’s children – those who will inherit our world and will become the narrators of tomorrow. In The Jungle Book, man is a mortal threat to nature. Using as the story’s hero a refugee caught up in a world ravaged by the effects of climate change, Akram Khan and his team tell a story that will help us listen not to our own voices but to the voices of the natural world that we, the modern world, are trying to silence. The work is addressed to all generations and attempts to make us remember, learn and imagine from the beginning, all of us together, a new world. With the help of optical technology, the stage is transformed into a magical world that dives into the myths of today.

Age Guidance: all generations of audiences from 10 y.o. upward


In collaboration with World Human Forum / ALPHA MISSION ΔELOS

Producer / exclusive representative in Greece Attiki Cultural Society


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Co-production: Curve Leicester, Birmingham Hippodrome, Edinburgh International Festival, Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay Singapore, Festspielhaus St. Pölten, Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Joan W. and Irving B. Harris Theater for Music and Dance – Chicago, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts – New York, Maison de la Danse / Pôle européen de création – Lyon, National Arts Centre – Canada, New Vision Arts Festival – Hong Kong, Orsolina28, Pfalzbau Bühnen – Theater im Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen, Romaeuropa Festival, Stanford Live / Stanford University, Teatros del Canal – Madrid, théâtre de Caen, Théâtre de la Ville – Paris.