An unusual musical experience, led by Konstantinos and Matthaios Tsahouridis. The two brothers from Veroia are talented artists who have achieved an ideal combination of academic musical knowledge and tradition. They will be presenting a special performance that breaks down the traditional musical frontiers and highlights the huge potential of the lyre from the Pontus region as a musical instrument, as well as the unique qualities of the human voice. The concert will also premiere a number of compositions from their new recordings.

Konstantinos Tsahouridis voice, piano
Matthaios Tsahouridis Pontic lyra, oud, lute, Afghan rubab, Persian kamancheh, violin, bouzouki

Featuring a 15-member Musical Ensemble

Guest Artist: Hussein Zahawy percussion instruments

Sound: Nikos Kotzadamis, Ioannis Ioannidis
Lighting design: Tryfon Kexagias
Photography: Aris Rammos
Designs: Marios Teriade Eleftheriadis
Orchestration: Antonis Sarakatsianos

Artistic direction: Konstantinos & Matthaios Tsahouridis

Event organized by: Konstantinos Tsahouridis