The Orchestra has been booked thanks to the generous support of a Greek from abroad,
who wishes to remain anonymous.

– Sándor Veress: Threnos in memoriam Béla Bartók
– Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Concerto no 4
– Antonin Dvořák: Symphony no 8

Maria João Pires piano

Budapest Festival Orchestra
Conductor: Iván Fischer

“This was playing of rare quality: clean, unaffected, poetic, consoling, light as air.”
The Times on Maria João Pires with the LSO

“All of which is a lengthy preface to stating for the record, out loud and without hesitation, that on Tuesday and Wednesday nights there was no better orchestra on the planet than the Budapest Festival Orchestra. On both nights the ensemble {…} played works by Haydn and Stravinsky at Avery Fisher Hall, under the inspired leadership of its music director and one of its founders, Iván Fischer…”
The New York Times (Steve Smith) – January 28, 2011