Bo Diczfalusy, Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
V. Doshi, Senior Partner Booz & company
C. Frei, Secretary General, World Energy Council (WEC) 
P. Lambert, Director, Executive Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation (EACI), DG Energy, European Commission  
Chr. Aronis, Energy Consultant
E. Vidalis, Vice-Chairman, SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises & CEO, S&B (Industrial Group)
A. Zervos, Professor, Chairman and CEO of PPC (ΔEH)
A. Kallitsantsis, Vice-Chairman, SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, CEO of “HELPE-EDISON” (power production) and of “EL-TEX” (public works)
K. Kastrinakis, CEO of KANTOR (Consultants)
K.S. Maniatopoulos, Former Director General for Energy of the European Commission, Coordinator of the Organizing Committee and of the event.
D. Beis, Former Scientific Secretary of the Greek National Committee for Energy Strategy
P. Bernitsas, Managing Partner, M.& P. Bernitsas Law Offices
Chr. Spirtzis, President of the Technical Chamber of Greece (ΤΕΕ-TCG)
Y. Stournaras, Professor at the University of Athens, General Director of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (ΙΟΒΕ)