Organized by the European Cultural Centre of Delphi (ECCD)

The exhibition is organized within the framework of the programme “WITH EXQUISITE MUSIC, VOICES- 150 Years from the Birth of C.P. Cavafy”, Regional Operational Programme “Attica”- National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013. Co-financed by Greece and the European Union.

Opening: Wednesday, November 6 (at 8 p.m.)

This exhibition, which will inaugurate the new events area of the Friends of Music Society in the “Lilian Voudouri” Library, casts light on the abundant production of books, journals and newspapers by the Greeks of Alexandreia, while at the same time featuring a number of rare books written about the work of Cavafy.

The material consists of around 200 exhibits, including books, journals, newspapers, original manuscripts, leaflets, scores, etc. Visitors will also be able to view a number of leaflets published by the poet himself, with his own poems, and manuscript pages from his diary.

All the material comes from the archive of the National Bank’s Literature and History Archive, the personal collection of Manos Haritatos and the Music Library of Greece “Lilian Voudouri” of the Friends of Music Society.

Curator: Efi Andreadi, art critic

Multipurpose Room of the Friends of Music Society