In the exhibition Structures of feelings George Drivas presents three new productions that can be seen as
variations on a constant theme: the experience of time. The spectator is being confronted with a peculiar
repertoire of characters: depersonalized players of a video game with no clear beginning or end, anonymous survivors of an unspeakable disaster, a stranger– invisible, out-of-place, unclassifiable among many other– who deviates from his expected course. His fictional heroes are presented to us
either as bearers of obscure messages or as carriers of raw emotions. They come as harbingers of an impending change or they are already the inhabitants of a world under collapse. They remain torn between the retrospective and the prospective, the fait accompli and the contingent.


George Drivas was born in Athens, Greece. He has represented Greece at the 57th Biennale di Venezia, 2017. Drivas is the recipient of numerous awards namely, Best Experimental Film Award at London Greek Film Festival, London, UK (2010), Special Mention at “Strange Screen”, Experimental Film and Video Festival, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece (2009), 2nd prize at VII Media Art Forum, XXVII Moscow International Film Festival, Moscow, Russia (2006), 2nd prize at the Zebra International Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany (2002) and Jury Award for Experimental Short Film at the New York Expo, NY, NY (2002).

George Drivas’s work has been featured as aSolo Show atthe National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (2018 and 2009) and La Galleria Nazionale, Rome, Italy, (2017) , as a tribute to him at the Lumen Quarterly Festival, Beijing, China (2017/18) and Athens’s International Film Festival (2014), and as part of a group exhibition or festival among others in “After Us”, Maxxi Museum, Rome, Italy (2020), “Imagined Communities”, 21st Biennial of Contemporary Art_Videobrasil, São Paulo, Brazil (2019-20), “Resilient Futures”, Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki (CACT, 2018), “ANTIDORON- the EMST Collection”, documenta 14, Kassel, Germany (2017), “As Rights Go By”, Group Show, Q21 International, MuseumsQuartier Vienna, Austria (2016), Festival du nouveau cinéma, Montreal, Canada, (2015), “future past – past future”, Group Show, Transmediale Festival, Berlin, Germany (2014), “Art Projections”, Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art (2013), “Hybrid Stories”, Group Show, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece (2013), “Melancholy in Progress”, Video Art Exhibition, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei City, Taiwan (2012), “FILE”, Electronic Language International Festival, FIESP Cultural Center, Sao Paulo, Βrazil (2012), “Annual Exhibition”, Group Show, Center on Contemporary Art, Seattle, USA (2012), “Les Rencontres Internationales: New Cinema and Contemporary Art”, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, “Polyglossia”, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece (2011), “ECU”, European Independent Film Festival, Paris, France (2010); “Digital Wave”, Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Thessaloniki, Greece (2009); “Transexperiences Greece” at Space 798, Beijing, China (2008); “Young Greek Artists – In Present Tense” at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece (2008); “Les JeunesCinéastesD’aujourd’hui” at the Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (2007); Media Art Forum, XXVII Moscow International Film Festival, Moscow, Russia (2006); Poetry International Festival, Rotterdam, Netherlands (2003); and Dactyl Foundation for the Arts and Humanities, NY, NY (2002).