The dark side of the Renaissance in the Dimitri Mitropoulos Hall: Jason Marmaras and the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli approach the apocryphal Elizabethan masterpieces in reverential awe: works by Thomas Tallis, Robert Whyte, and William Byrd. An unusual mixture of mystical texts and otherworldly dissonances. Surprising music of a unique era, with an emphasis upon a historically informed rendering, even in matters of local pronunciations of English and Latin. A rare opportunity to hear psalms, lamentations, and anthems of a landmark era: the restoration of the autonomy of the Church of England through the breach with Rome, and the recognition of its distinct ritual and musical character. 
Thomas Tallis, Robert Whyte, William Byrd, et al.
Lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet, psalms and anthems from Elizabethan England
Cantores & Cappella Sancti Pauli
Conductor: Jason Marmaras