A richly diverse programme featuring music from Germany, France, Russia, America and Japan. A programme structured as an “opera with no libretto”, with its protagonists sometimes engaging in dialogues with heterogeneous elements and at others immersing themselves in monologues. The plot of the “opera” is shaped by the musical events themselves, but also by the way each work contrasts with those that precede and come after it in the programme.

“Act I”: In the gradual unfolding of the plot, the restrained expression of an overflowing emotional religiosity (Bach) gives way to the unrestrained manifestation of a stylised elegance (Ferroud, Scriabin and Poulenc).

“Act II”: It begins with an inner monologue (Takemitsu) that borders on the meditative, after which follows a fascinating path, from the austerity of expressive means (Messiaen) to extroversion and virtuosity (Shostakovich), and from there to the dramatic climax (Liebermann).