“This is Lilipoupoli”: The legendary radio series associated with the era of Manos Hadjidakis’ directorship of the Greek Broadcasting Corporation’s Third Programme (1976-1980) and has brought up generation after generation of children to this day, is revived and carries us away with it to the magical world of Lilipoupoli’s favourite songs. A fairytale performance full of dreams and memories, conducted by Nikos Christodoulou, will come to life with the voices of Savina Yannatou, Doros Dimosthenous, Lenia Zafeiropoulou and Tassis Christoyannis.

With the participation of Rosarte Children’s Choir under the instruction of Rosie Mastrosavva and Olga Alexopoulou


Co-produced by:

Cricos Cultural Events

Megaron the Athens Concert Hall