Event organized by the
Greek Friends of the José Carreras Foundation – Fight Against Leukemia

The proceedings will be offered for the purposes of the
Hellenic Society of Haematology

Artistic concept: Constantine P. Carambelas-Sgourdas

– Works by G. Rossini, J. Brahms, G. Bizet, H. Berlioz, F. Chopin, M. Rossi,
  J. Offenbach, C. Saint-Saëns,  C.J. Andersen and J. Massenet

Carla Dirlikov mezzo-soprano
Apostolos Palios, Sotiris Louizos, Eri Mavropouli piano
Petros Stergiopoulos flute
Yiannis Agraniotis violin
Angela Giannaki viola
Herodotus Kavasis cello
George Kavasilas guitar

With the support of:
Gina Bachauer International Music Association
C.V. Alkan – P.J.G. Zimmerman International Music Association
Axia International Festival