The internationally acclaimed ensemble from Estonia Vox Clamantis, conducted by Jaan-Eik Tulve, gave a stirring performance of Passio, based on the St John Passion, by the Estonian Arvo Pärt, within the context of Megaron Spring Festival. The magnificent sound of the organ and the wonderful voices, accompanied by a wind and string quartet, created a particularly solemn atmosphere in the Christos Lambrakis Hall that deeply moved the audience.  

Vox Clamantis. Arvo Pärt: Passio,03/04/2023 (c)Akriviadis
Vox Clamantis. Arvo Pärt: Passio, Christos Lambrakis Hall, 3 April 2023 (c)Akriviadis

The Estonian Ambassador to Greece, Ms Karin Rannu, in order to honour the choir’s members, which represents Estonian culture internationally, provided cocktails in the foyer of Christos Lambrakis Hall after the concert. Addressing the attendees, including the ambassadors of Germany, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, and Sweden, she spoke about Arvo Pärt’s life, underlining his need for freedom. A need that led him to Vienna and Berlin, where he created his best works and later had the opportunity to return to the now free Estonia as one of the most acclaimed contemporary composers of classical and religious music.

Ms. Rannu said:”I think Pärt’s Passio was a very opportune work to listen to today because of the terrible train accident in Tempi recently with the loss of so many lives. Our condolences to all those affected.

There is also a devastating war ongoing in Europe with loss of life every day.

The message of Arvo Pärt’s music is universally to look deeper into ourselves, reflect upon our doings and do the right things with the hope that this will guide us to a better future. It is exactly what his personal life story is about”.

Vox Clamantis. Arvo Pärt: Passio,03/04/2023 (c)Akriviadis
(L-R) Mr. Janis Vakarelis, Artistic Director of Megaron, Ms. Karin Rannu, Ambassador of Estonia to Greece, Nikos Pimblis, Chairman of the Board of Megaron the Athens Concert Hall.